Red Pine Pinus resinosa
Family: Pinaceae (Pine)
Branching: Evergreen
Other names: Norway Pine
This is a very common pine throughout Ontario. It has the
longest needles (2 per bundle) of any native pine (Austrian is similar or slightly longer and
easily confused, especially when young...) and often its bark is very distinctive, being quite
red and mottled. It usually exhibits the straightest growth form
of any pine: straight and tall, like telephone poles. The bark,
though, is not always the characteristic red. In these cases,
look for the long needles to differentiate from the other native pines,
and the absence of the faint (but thick) vertical bars that often appears
on the introduced Austrian pine. If you have a long-needled pine
whose branches are within reach, try breaking some of the needles in
half. Red Pine will snap cleanly in two, while Austrian Pine will
Red Pine needles.
Paired needles of Red Pine
Young bark of Red Pine
Bark of a mature tree
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